Tuesday, October 28, 2008


"Roberto" will soon be joining the Boggs Family as a pet.

Lookin' good, Roberto Boggs.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Guess who turns 122 years old next week?

Not artist LeRoy Neiman, but his recent subject The Statue of Liberty. LeRoy was the subject of a profile I did for the MY GENERATION TV show (you can see it at http://www.billboggs.com/) and he just finished this lovely portrait to coincide with Lady Liberty's 122nd birthday—thought you'd like to see it.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Music for the Presidential Election

Here's the best new song I've heard in a long time"Teenage America" by Peter Cincotti whom I interviewed for my book Got What it Takes?

Click to hear the song

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Unwanted Coworker

On a beautiful NY day with my windows wide open... a large pigeon landed on my air conditioner and flew into my apartment in the middle of a conversation with my webmaster, Derek Pell. --"THERE'S A PIGEON IN HERE!" I yelled... actually trying to continue the conversation and get rid of the bird at the same time. Let's just say the multi-tasking didn't work.

I see hundreds of pigeons every day in Central Park across from where I live, but actually having one panic in your home office is not a pleasant thing. Think flapping wings, flying feathers and pigeon shit—all in time to the band playing RAG MAMA RAG in the background.

It took me 10 minutes to actually capture the thing between two pieces of cardboard—(they ARE full of germs, right?)—and shove it out the window. I called Derek back and he said—"POST IT!"

Carly & Dakota Interviews on MY GENERATION

My interview with Carly Simon is scheduled to air on 11/18 and Dakota Jackson on 11/25.
Both are slated for 3PM on Comcast and Direct TV. Hope you'll catch 'em.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Here's a nice item from today's NY Post PAGE SIX:

By the way, if you haven't seen my show yet, TALK SHOW CONFIDENTIAL, please visit the website www.talkshowconfidential.com for performance dates and ticket info.

Happy Oktoberfest!